Introducing Nala Free-From Deodorant

Introducing Nala Free-From Deodorant

Creating Nala has been a labour of patience, dedication, and - most of all - love.

When we started on our journey we knew we wanted to create a product that supported health & well being at a much deeper level than what we could find on the market.

We chose deodorant as our first venture for that reason - deodorant can be an incredibly personal, oftentimes vulnerable product choice. If you wrestle with excess sweat or body odour, you know how onerous and embarrassing it can be to find a solution.

What’s more, deodorant is one of the worst offenders when it comes to toxic beauty products.

As we dug into the market, we knew for certain we needed to include two elements in our deodorant line: a free-from label/philosophy, and a detoxifying product.

What it means to be free-from

Free-from is a relatively new label in the beauty world, but it’s rock-solid when it comes to defining our product philosophy.

At the most literal level, our products will be free from the laundry list of toxic ingredients found in conventional antiperspirants as well as any free-from ingredients found to have a negative impact on health and well-being. All Nala products, including our Nala Free-From Deodorant will be always free from the worst offenders listed below. This is our promise to you.

Nala free-from deodorant is free from:

  • aluminum - changes your estrogen receptors; linked to liver, kidney and brain issues
  • carcinogens  - substances that can lead to cancer
  • parabens - mimic estrogen in the body; cause cancer
  • phthalates - interfere with, mimic or block hormones
  • propylene glycol - considered a neurotoxin; known to cause liver and kidney damage
  • cruelty - None of our products will ever be tested on animals.

Beyond the literal, however, the free-from label is aspirational. It puts high-quality ingredients at the forefront, and reminds us, every time sit down to talk about a product, that our deepest commitment is to create something free from the negativity and pitfalls of the current beauty industry.

The decision to detox

Now that you know what actually goes into your conventional deodorant, you might better understand the decision to release a detox deodorant alongside our daily use deodorant.

The truth is that using conventional deodorants and antiperspirants over the years has probably left an unfortunate build up of chemicals in your system.

You can read more about what might be going on in your underarm in our Nala Detox Guide, but, suffice it to say, the area could probably do with a clean-up - which is exactly what our detox deodorant provides.

In the spirit of being free-from (at a literal and aspirational level) we couldn’t have you use our deodorant without first going deeper and undoing some of the damage done by past products.

While it’s still a new and growing label, free-from represents a shift in what it means to consume beauty products, take care of ourselves, and what we demand of the beauty industry. We’re excited to see where it takes us next!


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