How To Do A Breast Lymphatic Drainage Massage

How To Do A Breast Lymphatic Drainage Massage

How To Do A Breast Lymphatic Drainage Massage

The Nala Breast Oil is where the journey to loving your breasts and your form begins. A dry oil that’s a concentrated blend of organic botanical extracts, essential oils, luxurious carrier oils, and vitamin E, this oil is designed for your daily breast care and to assist in manual lymphatic drainage massage. 

A proven vehicle for daily self-exploration and familiarization with your body, we invite you to take a moment to slow down and explore. 

Why Do Lymphatic Drainage Massages? 

There are many benefits to doing regular breast lymphatic drainage massage. Our breasts are unique, in that they have no muscles. That means that the lymph flow can become stagnant and restricted, resulting in toxin and fluid retention in the breast tissue (3). Self-lymphatic drainage can help drain these toxins from the breast tissue, resulting in overall breast health as well as clearing the heart chakra to alleviate feelings of emotional pain, stress, and unworthiness.

Lymph drainage, when done on your breasts regularly, can improve circulation and reduce swelling or any breast tenderness (2). Our breasts are such a prominent part of our being. It’s time to give them love. 

For best results, use after Breast Lymphatic Drainage Massage: 

Steps For A Lymphatic Drainage Massage

How do you begin your new practice of lymphatic drainage? With deep breathing. An important part of your self-care, breathing helps to stimulate your lymphatic system in your entire body (1). As you go through these steps, remember to keep coming back to your breath. 

Step 1: Clear Your Lymph Nodes 

Apply Nala’s Breast Oil topically on breasts after showering or before bed. Add a few drops of oil in your hand and place them under your breast.

Start by stimulating the lymphatic nodes in your armpits. Place your palm inside your armpit with your thumb on the outside and gently pump upwards into your armpit. Repeat 5-10 times on each side. 

Step 2: Massage Your Breasts

Massage your breasts towards your lymph nodes by placing your palm under your breast and massaging along the bra line, up and into your armpits. Repeat three times on each side. 

Then, place your palm over your breastbone in the center of your chest. Imagine drawing a rainbow with your fingers towards your armpits while gently massaging your breasts with the whole hand. 

Place the palm of one hand below your breast and gently hold it. Using the palm of the other hand, massage your breast towards your collarbone. 

Step 3: Shake Your Breasts, Freestyle

It’s important to feel comfortable and have fun! One option is to simply hold a breast with both hands and give it a little jiggle, or pump inwards towards the chest bone. Repeat on both breasts. 

Alternatively, hold your breasts with both hands and pump them inwards in circular motions while rotating your shoulders. 

Step 4: Send Love To Your Breasts and Your Heart

Hug your breasts with both hands. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you inhale, imagine sending a majestic rainbow and love into your heart. As you exhale, imagine releasing a grey cloud of any residual feelings of stress or emotional pain. This is where your heart chakra is, treat it with self-love and acceptance. 

For visual instructions on how to do a breast lymphatic drainage massage, check our instructional video.

It all begins with you. Discover our Breast Oil and begin to honour and care for one of the most miraculous parts of the human body.

  1. Poitras, Rachel. “Heal Your Breasts.” Metanoia Online Course,
  2. “Breast Massage: Possible Benefits, How to Do It, and More.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International,
  3. Sylvia Crowhurst RMT/CDTl; Pamela Hammond RMT, MSc; Aleksandra Chafranskaia PT, MHSc; Linda Durkee RN, BScN, MEd; Stephanie Phan OTReg(Ont). “How to Do Self Lymphatic Massage on Your Upper Body,” University Health Network, February 2019,

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