Our philosophy: deodorant is not made to be one-size-fits all. Like medicine, like skin care, like body care - not only do our needs vary from one person to the next, they also vary day to day, moment to moment.
A guide to choosing your Nala deodorant:
As a baseline, all Nala deodorants are unisex, safe for all ages, and free-from aluminum, known carcinogens, and cruelty.
From there, each formula is unique. In addition to different scents, each Nala deodorant is a different strength to best suit individual needs.
A quick run down of our deodorants to help guide the conversation of which deodorant may be best suited to your needs today.
Peppermint Charcoal Detox Deodorant
The Peppermint & Charcoal deodorant is our most gentle formula, baking soda free. Recommended as a transition deodorant for those new to free-from deodorants, but also great everyday deodorant. Use alone, while detoxing, or in conjunction with one of the other two. The deodorant glides on clear and a little goes a long way.
Peppermint has naturally cooling properties which can lower your internal temperature1 making it a great deodorant for the summer time and warm weather. For hot sleepers, apply it before you go to sleep to wake up feeling tingly and refreshed.
Sandalwood & Bergamot Deodorant
Our strongest deodorant with the highest concentration of baking soda. Great for those days where you're looking for a little bit of extra protection, or a good everyday deodorant for heavier sweaters. The Sandalwood & Bergamot is our best-seller among men but is enjoyed by all sexes.
Sandalwood has a ceremonial significance in addition to being a strong disinfectant. Its emollient (read: smoothing) properties remove harmful bacteria from the surface of the skin while also soothing any irritations or breakouts4.
Reach for this one on days of big meetings and long shifts. Our co-founder Ada wore this on her wedding day.
Decision time
Take your own personal needs into consideration when purchasing your next deodorant. Start with a deodorant that calls you most, and adapt as your needs evolve. Feel free to rotate, mix them up, and use them in conjunction with each other (detox at night with a regular strength deodorant during the day, for example). It can require a shift in mindset, but learning about your own individual needs and preferences and how they vary will allow you to best serve your needs. You know you best, honour that.
Still stuck on where to start? Shoot us an e-mail at customersupport@nalacare.com, we're happy to help.
Aishwarya Balakrishnan /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 7(7), 2015, 474-476. Therapeutic Uses of Peppermint –A Review
Wilkinson, Jenny M., and Heather Cavanagh. “Antibacterial activity of essential oils from Australian native plants.” Phytotherapy Research 19.7 (2005): 643-646.
Prabuseenivasan, Seenivasan, Manickkam Jayakumar, and Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu. “In vitro antibacterial activity of some plant essential oils.” BMC complementary and alternative medicine 6.1 (2006): 39.
Burdock, George A., and Ioana G. Carabin. “Safety assessment of sandalwood oil (Santalum album L.).” Food and Chemical Toxicology 46.2 (2008): 421-432.
Hi I have 2 teenagers with bad BO..and no matter what they use it smells ..I got to see results from this and natural is the best.