Unexpected Factors that Affect Body Odor - Part 1
Factors that affect body odor We know that every human being is different - and while traits like height and eye color are understood to...
Abiding by California Proposition 65 | Why we ban 900+ Ingredients
Unfortunately, terms like natural and clean aren’t regulated by any governing body, meaning brands can slap them on their packaging even if they aren’t the...
How do natural deodorants work?
Deodorant, antiperspirant, natural deodorant, it’s all the same thing right? While they all work to mask body odour, they all actually function very differently.
Propylene Glycol in Natural Deodorants
Why do so many natural deodorants use proplyene glycol? When we started education around ingredients and buying habits in the beauty industry, we knew propylene...
How to read an Ingredients Label
You pick out a product off the shelf or tap the product page on a website, and heading to the ingredients list you immediately feel...
A No-Nonsense Guide to Boosting your Immune System Naturally
How to boost your immune system naturally This time can seem scary. Unknown. Anxiety driven. We’re feeling it too. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more...
Psychological Sweat vs. Cooling Sweat: The Differences and How to Manage
Humans sweat. We sweat when we know we have a big meeting coming up. We sweat when we’re running late to pick up the kids,...
The Straight Goods on Aluminum
What's the deal with aluminum? In an early example of online health trends, in the 1990s a chain email (remember those?) decrying the use of...
Healthy Skin Care 101: Carcinogens
There’s a lot of fear mongering these days about everything from the food we eat, to the cleaning products we use in our homes, to...