The simplest skin care and body care routine for men

The simplest skin care and body care routine for men

Nala Admin
By Nala Admin

For years, men’s skin care and body care routines have been overly simplified—just grab a bar of soap, splash on some water, and go. But...

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Why high quality skin care matters more than gendered skin care

Why high quality skin care matters more than gendered skin care

Nala Admin
By Nala Admin

Embracing body care for every body At Nala, we often get the question, "can men use this product, too?" It’s a common question that highlights a...

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Refresh your self care routine: spring cleaning for mind, body, and soul

Refresh your self care routine: spring cleaning for mind, body, and soul

Nala Admin
By Nala Admin

Spring is officially in full swing! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Naturally, it’s time for...

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Creating your signature scent: Nala’s guide to layering scents
Opinion TikTok Trends

Creating your signature scent: Nala’s guide to layering scents

Nala Admin
By Nala Admin

How do I create a signature scent? We're delving into the art of fragrance stacking, a way to transform your daily routine into a captivating...

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A very sweaty postpartum journey: the first 2 weeks postpartum
Motherhood Opinion

A very sweaty postpartum journey: the first 2 weeks postpartum

Nala Admin
By Nala Admin

words by: Laura Robbins I know they said things would change postpartum. I was prepared for the possibility of acne, hair loss and brittle nails. I...

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Why do we feel shame around sweating?

Why do we feel shame around sweating?

Nala Admin
By Nala Admin

You’ve had a busy day, dropping the kids off at school before that 9 am meeting, wolfing down lunch at your desk, getting home just...

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How to Speak to Someone with Cancer

How to Speak to Someone with Cancer

By Ada Juristovski

Words by: Breanne Jordan For me, the process of diagnosis was jarring. When I found a lump in my breast my doctor reassured me that...

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The Weight of My Strength: How a cauliflower sized tumour and a 12” incision opened my heart

The Weight of My Strength: How a cauliflower sized tumour and a 12” incision opened my heart

By Ada Juristovski

And this is why it is so hard to talk to a cancer patient. There is no right way. But there is a gentler, less...

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In a world of self care have we forgotten how to care for others?

In a world of self care have we forgotten how to care for others?

By Ada Juristovski

I’ve spent the entirety of my twenties reading self-help books on how to put yourself first, listening to my peers talk about their bubble baths...

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